Unity Community Primary Curriculum

Our curriculum is designed to help every child meet their full potential and become the best they can be.

We support children to develop a lifelong love of learning, to meet their full academic potential and to have high aspirations for their future education and employment. We work proactively to identify special educational needs and work in partnership with families to provide tailored support to hep every child achieve their full potential. Oracy and communication skills are integral to every aspect of our teaching and we use the principles of Voice 21 to develop children’s vocabulary and oral fluency. We also use the Skillsbuilder Framework to develop children’s interpersonal skills and raise awareness and aspirations for future education and careers.

Our schools are grounded in the strengths and diversity of their local communities. We work closely with families to involve them in the life of the school, and support them to play an active part in their child’s education Collaboration and mutual respect underpin our entire curriculum and we work actively from the first days in school to develop children’s relationships, social skills and ability to work in a team. We build on the rich cultural, artistic and industrial heritage of Manchester to enrich our curriculum and give children the enrichment and experiences they need to learn and progress.

A commitment to wellbeing – for children, staff and families – underpins everything we do. We want children to feel happy and safe in school and to develop their full physical and emotional potential as well as their academic, potential. We recognise the interdependence of wellbeing and learning. Positive mental and physical health is essential supports children to learn, and being a successful learner builds resilience and self-esteem.