We aim to prepare our children to become well-rounded citizens in our school, community and the wider world. We put happiness, wellbeing and resilience at the heart of everything we do, and believe that children who feel safe, valued and respected can articulate their feelings and become better learners.
We use the Manchester Healthy Schools I Matter resources as a starting point, and add in materials from Rights Respecting Schools, our own ChangeMakers programme, and national initiatives such as Anti-Bullying Week and Internet Safety Day. The focus is on developing essential skills such as listening, presenting, problem solving, leadership, teamwork, staying positive and aiming high.
Our wider curriculum links to what children learn in PHSE. For example, children learn about change makers in history, human rights in geography, and keeping safe in ICT. We encourage parents to support all aspects of PSHE by providing their children with boundaries and positive encouragement, and demonstrating healthy hygiene, diet and online safety.
Throughout the school, we teach children how to articulate their viewpoint constructively, understanding the impact their behaviour has on others and learning to work effectively in teams. Our behaviour policy is grounded in the language of rights, responsibilities and respect.