
We want every child to be able to speak, write and spell confidently. By the time they leave us, children are confident communicators, ready for the next step in their education journey, and the modern world around them.
At a Big Life School, oracy is at the heart of this work, and we look to develop children’s oral communication at all ages, in every subject on our curriculum. After all, if you can’t say it, you can’t write it.
We lead by example, using language correctly, and encouraging children to be precise in what they say and to use more complex sentences. We set talk homework that gives families a way to discuss what their child is learning at school.
We use the Pathways approach to writing to engage children and develop their skills. We also arrange trips, visitors to school and other activities to encourage children to write with depth and purpose.
We support children to develop good spelling, grammar and composition skills, and help children to edit their own work. All children have the chance to practice their handwriting, and develop neat, legible, joined handwriting.