
Big Life Schools are rooted in our communities. We value the powerful insight and contribution of that can be found in local communities. Our schools remain a popular choice among parents and children, drawing on the fantastic contribution of our local school governor committees, who remain instrumental in the running of our schools and trust.
The Big Life Schools trustees are responsible for ensuring the Trust delivers its mission and is accountable for the decisions and actions of Big Life Schools. The Trustees appoint a Chair of the Board every year and continually assesses its own fitness for purpose through self-assessments and annual appraisals of all board members. A skills audit and succession plan ensure that trustees are suitably qualified to lead the Trust.
It has three committees – the Finance, Risk and Audit Committee, and two local governing committees – which help Big Life Schools to retain its local focus. All the chairs of the committees are appointed by Big Life Schools’ trustees. They work within the Scheme of Delegation adopted by the Trust.
The Finance, Risk and Audit Committee includes three Trustees, and is attended by the Chief Financial Officer and the Chief Executive Officer. The local governing committees include parent and staff governors appointed through elections, as well as local community members and people with expertise to help promote outcomes for children. Governing committees remain the trust’s eyes and ears, providing a unique local focus.
We believe the benefits of remaining small will ensure that we are able to support our schools to be flexible and responsive to local needs, working across schools to reduce workload, share effective practice, and build a family of schools that are truly collaborative.
Our governance arrangements comply with the Academy Trust Handbook. Independent annual audits are completed to ensure we continue to provide effective governance arrangements, value for money and scrutiny across key areas on an annual basis.