Karina Carter (Member)
Appointment date: 25 March 2015
Appointed by: The Big Life group board
Karina has extensive governance experience in the Education sector, and was selected to be a National Leader of Governance in 2012, having been a governor for over 25 years. In this role she supports many schools throughout the north-west of England.
Karina was Chair of Longsight Community Primary when the school was formed in 2013. During her time as Governor at LCP she was the Safeguarding and Finance Lead Governor for the school. Between 1st April 2018 till 21 July 2022, Karina was also the Chair of the Big Life Schools Multi-Academy Trust.
She is an elected Member for Trafford Council, with the shadow lead portfolio for Health, Well-being and Adult Social Care, and has served as the lay member on the Trafford Safeguarding Board. Karina has a BA Hons Degree in Ancient History and Archaeology and a Post Graduate Diploma in Business Administration.